Ministries at Empowerment Christian Center


Youth Ministry

Our goal is to instill spiritual, social, and emotional development in the lives of our children during their impressionable years.  We recognize that as it was in Christ’s day, children now have a special place in the kingdom of God.  We are teaching our children activation in the gifts at primary levels that they can comprehend.  Isaiah prophesied in Chapter 11 and verse 6 that “…a child shall lead them”

Women’s Ministry

This ministry teaches godly principles that will bring forth God-fearing, militantly trained effective leaders whether that be as a homemaker, educator, politician, etc.  Women are being trained and released to bring influence in their home, their churches, and the marketplace, thus fulfilling Proverbs 31.

As kingdom citizens, we endeavor to see raised up, women that will reproduce after their own kind, fulfilling the mandate to change all culture.

Men’s Ministry

God is calling for men that will lead in their pre-ordained office as prophet, priest and king in area of family, church and community.Primarily, men are being mentored to lead their families in the ways of righteousness and devotion. Secondarily, men are becoming influential in the church supporting the vision of the ministry and God’s Under Shepherd.  And thirdly, in the community and marketplace, we will use our skills to bring glory to God and influence those around us; instilling godly principles and Christian values.

Singles Ministry

The Single’s Ministry offers discipleship classes that will target key areas in the lives of singles e.g. “Wholeness”, “Oneness with Christ”, “Preparing for a Mate” and other key topics.  We have a vital place in the kingdom of God and we plan to occupy and invest our time and energy proficiently until He comes.

Marriage Ministry

Marriage and family are essential institutions in God’s kingdom and thus are areas that the Saints are to be equipped in.  The Marriage Ministry implemented under the auspices of Ramah Prophetic Ministries is designed to strengthen and enhance the institution of marriage and ultimately the Body of Christ according to God’s holy ordinances.  As leaders we plan to educate and discipline by the spirit of counsel and wisdom.